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Lottie Animation Implementation

 Lottie Implementation for Sketchware Pro

Sample lottie file: monster.json

1. Download lottie as JSON file from Lottie Files

2. Add / Import your downloaded lottie file to your project.

3. Add Lottie Animation widget to your view.

4. Create new "MORE BLOCK" for convenience of lottie initalization. Name it as your desire.

5. Define your more block with lottie initialization. In picture below, there is 3 set of blocks:

• Default blocks setup - a basic lottie json initialization

• Optional configurations - you can choose to add your additional setup for lottie initialization.

• For Custom View(Drawer/Dialog) - these blocks is for lottie initialization inside a drawer or dialog. You can also add optional configurations.

6. Put your created "MORE BLOCK" to where you want to initialize it, whether on click of widget or on Activity Create event.

7. Run your project.


Via File-Upload: Blocks Lottie.json

Via Mediafire: Blocks Lottie.json

Via File-Upload Library Lottie v3.5.0

Via Mediafire Library Lottie v3.5.0

"Note: Lottie Library is already added on SketchwarePro"

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